Julia 8th January 2021

To our loving mum and nana We’ve shared so many wonderful memories over the years and are so grateful for all the precious time we’ve been able to spend together. It’s still hard to comprehend that you’re no longer here and we told you and dad, so many times recently, how amazing you both looked, so it was such a shock to lose you mum, in this way. We have been so proud at your determination to get fit and regain your health, and it’s heart-breaking to have had you taken away from us far too soon. We had such long chats on Facetime, often us with our wine and you with your morning tea, and you’d joke about us having the better end of the deal. We’d put the world to rights, chat about family, art, swimming, trips and over the past year, about your firmer plans to finally join us in Australia. It was a source of much excitement and you and dad were both looking forward to being with your family. There were plans to see new things, along with your favourite places and we were particularly excited at the prospect of taking you to Adelaide, as on your last visit, you had expressed a desire to go there. We shared our photos and chats of our news and walks. You loved the sunshine and blue skies, along with the flora and fauna here. It was really touching to see you and dad re-tracing, with great enthusiasm, the places we had been together, and really becoming familiar with everything. You were quite taken with how enthusiastic dad was at sorting things out, for your next big adventure in life. The icing on the cake being to see your new great granddaughter, upon her arrival. You were such a wonderful mum to Michelle and welcomed all her carers into your home, as family. You treated all our family members so lovingly, and we are so grateful to be able to call you our mum and nana. We make one special promise to you mum, that we will look after dad with the love and care that you always gave one another and as we told you on your Golden Wedding Anniversary, we look to you both as a wonderful example of unconditional love and guidance. We’ll enjoy sharing our lives with dad, and with every happy new memory made, there will be a tinge of sadness that you’re not here to enjoy it. Equally, in revisiting places we’ve experienced together, we’ll smile and remember fondly, our beautiful mum, nana, great-nana and friend. We love you xxxxxxxxx Richard, Julia, Sean, Rob, Alana and your beautiful great-granddaughter (who is very eager to join us all!) xxxxxx