Carol 5th January 2021

It doesn’t seem possible that we can be saying goodbye to someone so full of life as Ann. My beautiful aunt had been through so much in the last year and yet she never complained, at least not to me, and was always so positive and unbelievably cheerful. Her determination to get past her surgeries and treatments are a testimony to her strength of character and wish to not let anyone down, herself, her doctors and, of course, David. How cruel after all that, that she has gone. Although there was an age difference between us: at nearly three I was bridesmaid at Ann and David’s wedding, it never felt as if there was a generation gap. Ann was so young at heart and we had many a long chat together over shared interests and experiences. She was always so enthusiastic and was excited about family news, although I’m not sure she was keen to be known as great aunt to my children, or great-great aunt to my grandchildren! How sad then that she never had the opportunity to meet her own great grandchild. Family meant so much to her and David and, despite the distance between them, they kept very much in the lives of Richard and Julia and the boys. There is a big hole in our family now. Ann, you are going to be missed so much for the joy of your company, your love, generosity and empathy. It is hard to imagine a future without you and the light you brought into our lives. You will always be with us in our hearts. With love forever, Carol and Steve 💕 xx