David 1st January 2021

Ann was my beloved wife for 58 wonderful years. She was one of those people who is easy to know. Ann was instinctively friendly and smiled most of the time. We just got on from the time we first met and my Mum took to her immediately. On the rare occasions we argued, she didn't shout at me but gently raised her voice a little and told me why I was wrong. When Ann joined an organisation, such as WI or RETHINK, her instinct was not to sit back and leave it to others to do the work, but to help run it in her own quiet competent way. When our daughter Michelle became ill and increasingly disabled, Ann helped her in every way she could. This was her normal reaction to things going wrong. In the last few years the pain in her hips and knees from Arthritis got progressively worse and in February this year, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. In neither case did she scream, shout or make a fuss but, outwardly at least, remained calm and quietly dealt with it, even right up to the end. Thank you Annie for all our many happy years together. Dave xxxx